Loyalty Guide

What You Didn't Realize About Streamline Is Powerful -
But Extremely Simple

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Grow Your Business With These Top 5 Concepts:

Stop competing on price with competitors

Adding a loyalty program stops you from competing on price by giving you another way to differentiate your store: you can offer an enhanced customer experience by connecting with their emotions. Based on studies, when a customer makes a purchase it’s highly emotional. If you sell a product that people buy through desire instead of necessity then appealing to their emotions is key. A loyalty program gives you a way to surprise and delight customers by rewarding them for something that previously went unnoticed.

Retain existing customers

By implementing a loyalty rewards program, you are sending a message to your current and future client base that you are interested in not only making money off of purchases, but also in a relationship with customers that is mutually beneficial. You sell goods and services, although you attach benefits solely for the benefit of the customer.This act of goodwill will improve the overall outlook of your customers, which will ultimately have a positive impact on your business.

Increase Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV or CLTV) is the net profit attributed to the overall relationship you will maintain with a customer. It measures how valuable the customer is to you now and the projected value of all your interactions with them in the future. A loyalty program can help you calculate exactly what the CLV is for each of your customers, and help you wield those statistics into usable data for implementing solid strategies to retain your customers.

Build personal relationships

The first step to this emotional connection and store loyalty is by showing your customers that you truly value them. We at Streamline believe that this can be achieved by building genuine relationships with your customers – your customers are unique so treat them this way.

Create brand advocates

It is a misconception to think that your only valuable customers are the ones spending money, in fact, some of your most valuable customers won’t be the ones spending money but generating it. These customers are what we refer to as brand advocates, and they are the ones referring your store to their friends, family and if they are on social media, their followers. The importance of this cannot be overstated.

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